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Most of us believe in trying to make other people happy only if they can be happy in ways which we approve. Robert S. Lynd


Pleasure is the only thing to live for. Nothing ages like happiness. Oscar Wilde


Happiness is a very pretty thing to feel, but very dry to talk about. Jeremy Bentham


Happiness is unrepentant pleasure. Socrates


Happiness is like those palaces in fairy tales whose gates are guarded by dragons: we must fight in order to conquer it. Alexandre Dumas


Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others so. Robert Green Ingersoll


If you want to understand the meaning of happiness, you must see it as a reward and not as a goal. Antoine de Saint-Exup'ry


Happiness does not lie in happiness, but in the achievement of it. Fyodor Dostoevsky


The happier the moment the shorter. Pliny The Elder


Act in such a way that you will be worthy of being happy. Immanuel Kant


There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written or badly written. Oscar Wilde


There is no mistaking a real book when one meets it. It is like falling in love. Christopher Morley


There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval. George Santayana


There is but one temple in the universe and that is the body of man. Novalis


There is a great deal of difference between an eager man who wants to read a book and the tired man who wants a book to read.G. K. Chesterton


The secret of being a bore is to tell everything.Voltaire


The penalty for success is to be bored by the people who used to snub you. Nancy Astor


The nice thing about being a celebrity is that when you bore people, they think it's their fault.Henry Kissinger


The multitude of books is making us ignorant. Voltaire


The mind's first step to self-awareness must be through the body. George Sheehan

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