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Navratri Special - Atte Ka Halwa

By: Admin
Region: Indian
Dish:Vegetarian - Festivals
Servings: 2
Time to Prepare: 35 mins


500 Gram Whole wheat flour
300 Gram Ghee
500 Gram Sugar
100 Ml Water
50 Gram Raisins
5 Gram Cardamom (coarsely ground)
10 Gram Almonds, sliced
5 Gram Pistachios (for garnishing), sliced


Boil the water and sugar in a pan over medium high heat. Bring the syrup to full boil and mix it well making sure sugar is dissolved, and turn off the heat. Set aside.

In a frying pan over low medium heat, add the clarified butter after butter is melted add whole wheat flour. Keep stirring and roast the flour, till it turns light brown and have nice sweet aroma.

Flour should be roasted well, after adding the syrup four will be lighter in shade. Halwa should be nice and light brown in color. This should take about 7-8 minutes.

Add the syrup slowly to minimize splattering. Keep stirring continuously, making sure there is no lumps.

Add raisins, half the almonds and cardamom, and cook till it becomes consistency of thick batter. Keep the halwa softer than your desired consistency, as it will thicken over time. This should take about 5-6 minutes.

Garnish with almonds, and pistachios. Serve warm.


Easy recipe to cook, with just about half an hour of time so you can cook this whenever you feel like having a traditonal Indian dessert. This is usually made in Indian households on certain festivities or Pujas like during Navratri

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